Wednesday, February 17, 2010

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Google Apps: All versions

List Version

Francesco D'Elia, 'newmediologo' to promote Mac and Google in Rome, pointed out to me that a blog that talks about Google Apps, should shed light on the different versions of ... Google Apps.
versions, there are three , two free and a fee:
  1. Standard (free)
  2. Premier (paid)
  3. Educational (free)

Google Apps Standard Version

Standard , Stardard Edition in English, is free. Inside are included inventory.
To access the applications that make it up, you need a Gmail email account.
The Standard version includes four main applications:
  1. GMail, program management E-mail
  2. Google Calendar to organize calendars and pesonal common
  3. Google Docs, to write and share text, spreadsheets and presentations
  4. Google Sites to create websites

Google Apps Premier

version Premier in English Premier Edition, you pay.
Every person who uses them to pay a subscription of € 40 year.
The Premier version includes six main applications:
  1. GMail, e-mail management program
  2. Google Calendar to organize personal and shared calendars
  3. Google Docs, to write and share text, spreadsheets and presentations
  4. Google Sites to create websites pre
  5. Google Groups to manage mailing lists and share content
  6. Google Video, to create and share video in a private
In addition, each mailbox has a capacity 25 GB (Gigabyte), a guarantee of funaionamento (uptime) of 99.9% and additional features to protect your email.

Google Apps Educational

version Educational, Educational Edition in English, is a mixture of Standard and the Premier.
Educational Version is free. Inside there is NO advertising.
As a Standard, Educational version includes four main applications:
  1. GMail, e-mail management program
  2. Google Calendar to organize personal and shared calendars
  3. Google Docs, to write and share text, spreadsheets and presentations
  4. Google Sites pre create Internet sites
Educational Version has additional features to protect the post.

Other versions

seem to exist two other versions of Google Apps: Non-Profit and Governmental .
The Google site but does not provide precise information about their characteristics. The non-profit
version seems like the free version educational. The government version is not free, but there seems no fixed price rates and license fees must be arranged by contacting Google.



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