Friday, October 29, 2010

Free Sean Cody Preview

October 2010, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome Vs

last week of October 2010, Monday 25th to Friday the 29th, I held a digital literacy course, funded by the Province of Rome and organized by Sediin Srl.
Every morning from nine o'clock, for five consecutive days, me and the students have studied and experienced " Internet and e-mail," one of the modules of the cycle of illiteracy.
During the course we have had different experiences as well as some experiments. Among the latter, we compared two browser (ie applications that are used to surf the Internet):
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome.
other day and we used a different browser.
order to obtain the evaluations of the participants, I used Google Docs on the Internet and created a shared page of text, giving all students the opportunity to read and edit the page itself. In a
table, next to its name, the students have written their own assessment on the two browsers, which I reproduce below.

Comparison Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome

name and last initial Review of Internet Explorer and Google Chrome
Sandro D. Despite having found that Google is more comfortable , in some ways, Microsoft Explorer, I remain more difficult to navigate anyway, why not find the taskbar and the toolbar
Antonella C. I heard about Google Chrome here the course. In fact on my barattoletto home is not installed. I am unable to judge , or to make a comparison. At home directly from within Internet Explorer.
Gianfranco B. usually use Google Chrome instead of other engines simply out of habit , for no reason in preference to Internet Explorer.
Mariuxi L. Before I knew Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, now that I know, I saw that faster.
Tito P. Google Chrome seems faster Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Alessandra T. did not know the first few days of Google Chrome, certainly was not the only thing that I discovered .
Marco B. working on Google Chrome I found that it is faster Internet Explorer
Jan H. Google Chrome is nice, interesting, very comfortable and strong .
Anna S. I always used Internet Explorer for research but in fact Google Chrome is faster and I am definitely better . In fact, I installed it on my computer.

The confusion between the browser (Navigator) and search engine

On the basis of their experience, about half of the participants considered Google Chrome faster Microsoft Internet Explorer.
The figure, however, that strikes me most is that many students, even the most prepared, confuse the browser with search engine .
I do not know what it is this confusion or that has implications. But it is.
I tried several times to explain the difference to students, but I've seen always puzzled faces. I showed that opened the Internet Explorer home page of the Google search engine. Then I showed Google Chrome that always opened the home page of the Google search engine. The faces were left puzzled.
Al prossinmo course I will try to show that opens Google Chrome Home Page Bing, search engine created by Microsoft.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Testing Stater Of Generator

Body ladder

A mad scientist decided to create many evil clones of himself, but did not calculate a small detail: the clones are actually zombies on which we have no control, but would, indeed, happy to feast on their creator. Save the scientist clones hitting the head, there are different weapons available in game battle Body Ladder ...

I games involving zombies always have their charm, with Body Ladder ...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Glory Holes Melbourne

Boat shooting

Boat shooting is a game of asteroids in which you must destroy all ships (not only) you will be in, trying not to even touch you. In fact, your ship is very vulnerable and protect it is a matter of great attention and skill.

fun with online games where you can not get distracted!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sentinel Safenet Usb Emulation

Joseph Ventura: Ode to the computer and the dark wood

I had Joseph Venturo as a student, last week, the course of Word Base, within the framework of digital literacy courses promoted by the Province of Rome and organizzatri by Sediin Srl. He
, Joseph, has had hundreds of students. He taught for decades legal matters in secondary schools, especially at Aprilia .
are then honored by the positive assessment, from teacher to teacher, who has expressed to me and that is reported on this blog, in the course of Word Base October 2010.
Joseph was an important presence that gave quality to the course.
use of computers, starting from far far longer and therefore needs more time to learn. But we countered with opinions, comments and also minor works of literature.
E 'to him (and also to Sergio) that Valeria L. , his colleague of course, refers qundo says
"at the beginning of the course when I saw that folks were not all the same my age I thought it would slow down the learning .... and instead "PEARLS OF WISDOM" gave me many smiles :-) "
It 's always Giuseppe Vita Rosa D., another student, thanked explicitly:
" THANK YOU JOSEPH, have made us a gift: Everyone is a hidden treasure! "
I think right then share with the thick ranks of readers of this blog has given us two treasures that Joseph, with permission to publish them.
The first is a treasure poetry, on computers and in the Roman dialect, that Joseph has written a dozen years ago . Poetry has had no title, so I have given the provisional Ode to the computer .
The second treasure is a flash story, written by Joseph a few days ago, after the first morning of the Word Base course, once back home. Even this did not call it a provisional title and The dark forest.

Ode to the computer (Joseph Venturo, about 1990)

Co na simple keypad and no screen
der TIVU '
you solve them in a moment
problems that we have you

the pain of them if you alleys
There you have tight shoes
du barrel with them on key programs you

you understand what I'm used
modern Machiavellian
you change your life is with
alone or with an umbrella

Te transforms the lives of the people with the progress

but if he returns to the forest
quanno missing corente

The dark wood (Joseph Ventura, October 2010)

Today I went to computer class at a research center funded by the Province of Rome, to start with a basic course.

The teacher thought that all students learn at least the basics of computers, but it was not so, there were two somaroni: Sandra and I did not know even turn on the computer.

After several unsuccessful attempts, angry, instead of turning it on, we'd gladly set fire!

He spent over half an hour, but then, with a flash of genius, realized that the bottom of the table on which rested the computer, there was a switch. Curious about the pigiammo e. .. miraculously lit a blue light, as well as enlighten the tip of his shoes, he made us understand that the computer was waking up.

We noticed almost immediately under the base of the screen, a round button, surrounded by a green light, which invited us to be groped.

Cedemmo to flattery, and determined, she puts her finger in the center!

As in the Harry Potter films, appeared suddenly in the middle of autumn woods that we had to own a real dark forest!

Thanks to an intervention of wine, a glass of Rosso di Montepulciano we cleared the ideas, we realized that, for the brains, the dark forest stands DESKTOP.

was only then that the trees took shape, turning into files, folders and programs. What does it matter

Joseph with Google Apps?

Good question. Even if the imagination of Joseph has nothing to do with Google Apps , he still deserves one and several articles (posts).
but I like to think that the creativity Joseph's has been rekindled by the use of some Google applications such as e-mail with GMail and cloud computing with Google documents.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bren Everett And Brent Corrigan Freed Dowloands

October 2010, Teaching Word Base with the support of Google Docs

And 'Saturday, October 23. Yesterday ended on a weekly course on Microsoft Word basic level. Eight students participated, and I (Paul Miggiano) have been their "Doc" (teacher) or "Prof" (teacher).
digital literacy courses are , funded by the Province of Rome and organized by Sediin Srl.

Word Base

We have almost completed the program, doing tests and exercises on Word 2003. Here are the topics we addressed: How
  • open and close Word
  • Why and when to use Normal View Print Layout View and
  • How set the page, its orientation and its margins
  • How move easily in the document
  • How type the text and edit it
  • How accurately select characters, words, sentences and paragraphs
  • How to copy and paste parts of the document
  • How open a document and save it as
  • Why and how to use bullets and numbering
  • Why and how to format characters and paragraphs
  • How find and replace words
  • How to use the automatic spell checker
  • Using the thesaurus and against (Thesaurus)
  • How to create and modify tables

Google Applications for the course

To communicate with the students I used GMail and especially Google Documents .
I used Google Docs to try to What does students work in groups and clouds .
Working in groups means today to participate at the same time as writing the same document, which is on the server. Working on the clouds
means using a browser to run programs and edit documents that are up there on the server in the clouds. In English we call
cloud computing, that is use computers in the clouds.

Google Docs to make a budget

At the end of the course students have put crosses on satisfaction questionnaires prepared by Sediin. Questionnaires are anonymous to encourage the maximum freedom of expression to students.
Some students, however, had expressed the desire to express their views on the course in a more explicit and accountable : publicly, his own name and with a few sentences.
So I brought the class to create, Google Docs, a table where, in the cell next to their names, every farmer could write his opinion. In the next section
carry excerpts of comments written by students.
The experiment has produced an unexpected result. Since all the students write concurrently to the same document, they could also read what I wrote their colleagues and respond immediately.
In this way there was some diversity of opinion and personal tensions in the class.
The tensions present in every course, have not altered the positive nature. In the report the opinions of students, I chose to overrule the share of controversy.

Excerpts from assessments of pupils

Valeria L.

What can I say .... With this course I knew the computer! I am very pleased and surprised!
But I must say the truth: at the beginning of the course when I saw that folks were not all the same my age I thought it would slow down the learning .... and instead "PEARLS OF WISDOM" gave me many smiles :-), and above all confirmed that "This 'IS NOT REALLY ...' NEVER TOO LATE!"
Thank you all!

Vita Rosa D.

Sorry! In this course there was no integration among the "students" (each focusing on their needs, without considering the problem of the ...). Doc
thank you for your patience ... What an effort!
THANKS JOSEPH, have made us a gift: Each is a hidden treasure!
(Joseph Fr. wrote an Ode to the computer and the short story The dark forest , ed.)

Maria R.

I am very satisfied with the outcome of the course. I do not take more punches.
THANKS to prof. Province and organizing these courses.

Joseph Venturo

The first contact "physical" with the computer I had at this center (the center is home to the Sediin ed)
So thanks to the Province, but also to the Centre Miggiano to Paul, our teacher, I learned to type, write and enter the world of Word.

Sandra C.

I have still a long way.

Joseph There. (Peppe)

Sandra, slowly becoming an IT professional then I will come and take lessons from you!
I agree with you that the professor has a lot of patience ;-).

Maria Flora S.

I learned a lot through this course, and then I found myself very well with their classmates! Thank you all :-).

Velva Slurping Her Own Milk

Breakfast Testaccio (Roma)

E 'in July (2010) who teach literacy courses privatization digital promoted by the Province of Rome and organized by Sediin Srl . Four hours a day, from nine o'clock in the morning. Five days a week, except bank holidays.
It 's a pleasure, but it is also a chore. And it is also an assembly line. Each week a new form. Here's what I've done so far: Introduction to computers, Word Basic, Internet and e-mail, Excel Basic, Advanced Excel.


The course location is near the pyramid Cestia , on the border between the districts Aventino and Testaccio . Click
a good breakfast at a good bar between half past eight and nine, can make my day just start working. Every neighborhood in Rome has good bar. Simply search.
A few months since I started frequantare this area, I think I found some good bars in the Testaccio .


The best bar of Testaccio, in my opinion, is Linari , in Nicola Zabaglia. Putting shoulders to the church of Santa Maria Liberator, the bar is in front on the right.
The croissants are delicious. The cappuccino is in an expert. The service, from the case at bar, is excellent.
Even when the bar is very crowded, the service it is still rapid.
addition to the quality of material things (cups, spoons, cappuccino, croissants) is the style of behavior intangible.
If you wish a good day, you are returned. If you smile, the smile comes back to you.
Hmm. In short: a breakfast at Tiffany's New York in Testaccio breakfasts by Linari .


Another good bar is Testaccio Barberini on Marmorata a few meters away from ' intersection with Via Galvani , near the barracks of Brigade Fire . It is not the
Linari same level, but it is more than enough. The
wood inside and outside the local community tradition, warmth, sophistication and care.
Good quality coffee and cappuccino. Oscillation of the croissants, at least in July 2010. The croissants were so different from one day to another, suggesting that perhaps the baker was different.
The bar, after the summer holiday, was hit by the crisis and has been slow to resume activities. The rumor was that the owners had closed.
In October, however, has reopened. New management? Try and add a comment to this post. Other


There are other good bars, but with less personality of the two mentioned. Maybe I'll talk, after being photographed, in another post. Maybe you can add names and opinions, writing a comment on this post.

But what have the bars in the Testaccio with Google Apps?

a factor, a factor. To reach one of the bars I recommended, just click on liaison with the name of the bar itself. With the click, your browser (Navigator) opens a page Google Maps with the map of the district, and state the precise point where the bar. As in the image opposite.
Google Maps is one of many Google applications, Google Apps also referred .

Friday, October 22, 2010

Nadine Jansen Snooker Commando


Remember the good old BMX bicycle, constant companion of many adventures childish? BM-Rex offers a version of the game, in which the cyclist is a ... dinosaur! Our Rex has to run up and down the hills path, catching stars and as many points as possible until the end of the adventure tour.

Can you keep it on track? Find out with one of most original racing game of the moment.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Launch Options Css -high


Blue orb is one of those games seem elementary, but able to hide pleasant surprises. The aim is to push, with a purple ball, the balls on the blue squares marked. Easy? Try it, and then remember that if you push the balls against a wall, then you can no longer move, or that the room for maneuver is very limited, o. ..

Fun puzzle game with Blue-orb.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

License Virtualplasticsurgery

Have you ever thought of earning on the purchases of others?

Look around you, anywhere in the world, at this very moment, there is a mom who buys bread, a couple pays for a stay in the Caribbean, a grandfather who buys a gift for the birthday of his grandson, a family that has a contract phone ..... in a nutshell, all over the world there is someone who pays!
It 's normal you say, every economy of each state is based on the market of goods and money. And if I gave you the opportunity, through a few simple tools, to earn every single penny, euro, dollar, pound that is spent around the world, take me seriously or you would say I'm crazy?
About this, we speak of Skepticism: nowadays, a time of crisis and save the nail, you'd think that such a statement as well as illusory, and their could be a hoax Veria, to say the least.
Nobody thinks he can gain from the fact that her friend goes to the grocery store, or a relative who is making a move, but above all the world there is no activity (lawful) that allows me to earn from the expense of others ..
AND 'HERE YOU WRONG! There is indeed! And I am part of this small part of the world, unknown to most, which allows me not only to gain from all that other spending, but also to save up all my purchases! It is not about having to buy in specific places , far from home on the internet, with all the concerns (and skepticism!) that follows! But if I told you that you can always save the store where you bought, precisely under your home, or from the gym where you're always gone, there would be interested?
Many people would say: It 'IMPOSSIBLE! And they would say so because they can not think of a way or effective way to do such a thing!
Probably most of you who read me right now, close this page and think here is another waste of time, we move to the next. WORSE FOR YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU LOSE!
But there are those among you thinks, "I want to see clearly in this matter, I was intrigued, I can not lose anything but time (5 minutes) to read everything that he (IO) wrote, "and it is exactly this category of people that I'm looking for and I want to be involved within my Company, enterprising people who want to get involved, and want to go beyond the simple concept of dependency and fixed income and who want instead to embrace the broader concept of self-employed and earnings without ceiling! In fact THERE WILL BE ' LIMIT TO WHAT 'YOU CAN DO AND AS YOU EARN, UNTIL YOUR COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION VI WILL PUSH TOWARD THE FREEDOM coveted' FINANCIAL!

So I curious enough?
If you want to know all the details of this activity, how to start earning and what tools you need, you can go on this link and make a record

https: / / / cgi / appx. cgi/4996804

Register? And why?
Simply because mine is a serious company and operates throughout the world for over 12 years, does not dispense his knowledge to everyone, unless one is truly interested and motivated to learn! And the recording is a first sign of wanting to learn something!
Back to skepticism: those who wanted to find the buffalo in what I wrote probably thinks
"Here, I was filled with beautiful words, now I scrub with a recording in which there do anything, at a site which I know nothing, want to see that in the end we lose too much money? ".
And I say unto you," I just said that my company works all over the world for 12 years .... even NIKE trusts us, and below there is the proof: -bin/rd/8, 4123, cid = 4996804

and Nike is a serious, if not we also be, I doubt we would have some cooperation ... NO? "
a result, all those who register on our site, have nothing to fear: There are, read what there is to read to come know how to operate and, if they are interested are free to contact me and deepening, if they are not may well cancel in peace and freedom.
Do not wait! Do something to change your life! Do not wait any longer, waiting is a waste of time!
you look!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Programma Om Epson R 265 Te Resetten

Bloons tower defense 2

Game Action simple, but effective in Bloons Tower Defense 2 will prevent the escape of the balloon from the tube / labyrinth from which desperate to get out. Since you have some useful weapons (stalactites, nails and all that is sharp can be used to pop them before they gain the release). For each completed level you can count on new weapons at your disposal.

Fun in type tower defense games.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What Does It Mean When You Tap Your Nose?

Blow the boat

Blow the boat is a skill game for children, whose protagonists are notes ... two children. In what could be a summer afternoon better to cool off and play along a river to bounce a paper boat? Of course, things are not simple as they appear, and our little ones will have to contend with the many pitfalls also present along a stream of water.

The games take original contours with Blow the boat.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Leg And Foot Injuries To Dancers

October 2010, teaching Microsoft Excel with support from Google

Friday, October 8. At eleven o'clock we finished our weekly course on Microsoft Excel Advanced .
(In the picture beside a photograph of a screen Microsoft Excel 2003) .
Ten are students and I are the eleventh, the teacher. Twenty hours in five days, four hours a day, morning, from nine o'clock.
E 'a course in digital literacy , funded by the Province of Rome for their citizens and organized by Sediin Srl. What have we done

In five days we tested different functions and advanced formulas to Microsoft Excel . In support of this course, we used some Google applications.

Microsoft Excel Advanced

A course in "Excel Advanced" in a program of literacy may seem a contradiction in terms. And perhaps it is.
As noted at the end of the course almost all the students, Excel is very vast, complex and too complicated.
Twenty hours of lectures to learn the advanced features are few. One is left with the feeling of having done only a taste, but interesting part.
Here's the tasting menu:

  • begins with a general review formulas and cell formats;
  • order, search and replace of values \u200b\u200bwithin the spreadsheet
  • database Excel, how to create them and how to use
  • use data form (for some it was a repeat because they had already done in Excel basic level);
  • automatic and custom filters;
  • Pivot Tables ;
  • advanced functions such as VLOOKUP and if ;
  • conditional formatting and custom

Google Applications for the course

To support the activities of the course, we have used several free applications provided by Google:

GMail. It all begins with GMail. I invited the students to open a mailbox (account) with GMail. With these accounts I have created a mailing list for notices to students of the course. GMail is more than a mailbox. In fact, thanks to GMail, you can have access to additional features offered Google to team work, such as sharing documents online (see below).

Google Docs. To convey to students the files of the exercises, I used a shared folder Google Docs. The shared folder, thanks to a burst of creativity, has been termed "ExcelAvanzato. When served, I have uploaded new documents on the Internet as Excel files needed for classroom exercises and texts for the years of education at home. The students went on the Internet, to the shared folder, and from there downloaded the file to your desktop computer in the classroom. Some have also done their homework and I have sent a copy by mail.

Google Chrome. The Internet connection has had its ups and downs. For some students, using Microsoft Internet Explorer, the computer was very slow. So we tried to install the Google browser, Google Chrome, and the connection speed is increased.

Budget and opinions of the course students

At the end of the course, the students I met seemed to have learned to use new functions and procedures and Excel spreadsheets. It seems to me that they also managed to learn some functionality on which they had had some problems, such as use Pivot tables and the 'function if' nested.
is the opinion of students? I invited them to 'post' their comments to this article, with their views on the course and Google applications. I hope they do. ***

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dental Burs Type And Uses

Bloody Seal Bounce

wonder if yeti is really as bad as they portray these Yetisports games. In Bloody Seal Bounce, our protagonist is perched on a piece of iceberg from which seals scale higher and higher, to beat his personal record. The unfortunate bounce, bleeding from a wall of ice to another, until fall, stramazzanti in water.

The Yeti does not seem to Friends of the Seals in Bloody Seal Bounce ...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How Do I Introduce Myself

Blockade Blitz

Blockade blitz is a breakout game disguised as a space saga, very modern. The young Ben is captured and taken on an enemy ship, where, left alone for a few moments, manages to break free from the capsule in which it was locked. But to leave the ship will reach and destroy the enemy e.. as she does? Easy: breaking down with a fireball all the bricks that divide them.

The eighties games are always the best, with Blockade Blitz.