Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Look Alike Denise Milani

McDonald's: Free Internet and WiFi wireless

logo Free WiFi at McDonald's
For months I teach basic computer literacy courses digital funded Rome Province and organized by Sediin Srl. In classes students arrive
of various ages, from young people of secondary schools up to pensioners. I had
John and Edda , husband and wife, both retired, as students in two classes per week.
The second course, in December 2010, focused on Internet and e-mail .
John and Edda were returning from a sightseeing holiday in the south of ' Argentina. They were amazed at how widespread it was, there, using the Internet and how easy it was to connect to the Internet and free broadband.
McDonald's Via Trionfale, Rome
John and Edda were also concerned about what we, in Rome and perhaps in Italy, we were back is using the Internet both the opportunity to connect free Internet over broadband.
Something is happening, however, even in Rome. There are government initiatives, such as service WiFi Rome Province, to which this blog has devoted two posts (articles). And there are also private initiatives, such as free Wi-Fi McDonald's .

McDonald's Via Trionfale, Rome

From my angle toward the outside of the restaurant
One of the last days of November 2010 go to McDonald's Via Trionfale to Roma Nord. I chose the afternoon as time of day. In the time from lunch to dinner at McDonald's there are few people and a peaceful environment. Ideal for computer work. I have my laptop with me, a Hewlett-Packard Compaq , with the receiver built-in wireless networking. I see a corner
that is right for me. I have a glass front looking out from the local to the terrace of the restaurant.
Behind me two solitary diners eat a hamburger out of time.
Below, at the height of the feet, there is also an electrical outlet . I ask a clerk if I can plug it to your computer's power supply. I answered yes, without the need to consult the Director.
From my angle toward the interior of the restaurant
connection plug, I turn on the computer, and a brochure holder made of Plexiglas, I get a copy of the mini-guide on paper to the Free WiFi service. Photographer

the cover of the guide to play, then the image on the blog. There, now I have.
Cover of Guide to Free WiFi at McDonald's

Proof of Free WiFi at McDonald's

I follow the instructions in the guide, step by step. With the receiver of wireless networks I try the network indicated in the guide: HOTSPOT . Found.
I click on the connection and appears entry page of the Free WiFi , as in the image opposite.

Already registered? Log

If you are already registered, fill in the fields User ID (the username) and password (the password) and then press the button It bears , on yellow and white capital letters, the word LOGIN .

Not registered? Sign

If you are not registered, click the REGISTER button .
I have not yet registered. So I press the record button.
It is a
form where I insert the information required for registration, including the phone number .
At the end of the form, if everything was done well, the site of McDonald's makes you your User ID (user name). And the password?
McDonald's, like other providers of communications services on the Internet, use the phone to send the password access to its services.
If the registration is successful, the screen displays a confirmation message like the one next door.
I hear the bell that signals from the cell arrival dell'essemmesse. I open the message and copy the password.
With the User ID and password available, and before I login on the Internet.
The connection is stable and the speed seems good.
I try to go to Gmail and to send electronic letters. It works. I try to send something heavier, like a picture. A bit 'slow, but it does. Not bad
this free service of the corporation.

Provisional budget

On the website of McDonald's Italy , the company proudly advertises and measures the Free WiFi service.
"Taste of McDonald's WiFi, free and unlimited", the title page of advertisements.
Following is the text: "McDonald's is pleased to offer its customers the largest free Wi-Fi network in Italy. "
What can I say? The service is there and works. Hats.


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