Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Cheat At Idrag Paper

Rome Province Wi Fi "Improvising

For several years the administration of the Province of Rome , led by Nicola Zingaretti (pictured right), promotes the ' free Internet access for citizens and residents of the province Capitoline.
The program, called "Wi Fi Province" is the installation, the Roman province, an increasing number of points free access to the Internet through a wireless connection (wireless) over broadband .

What is Wi Fi?

File:Wifi.png The Wi-Fi is a technology , ie technique and related devices, by which a computer connects to a local computer network without the aid of wires , based on the specifications of a standard (IEEE 802.11). A consortium of companies guarantees through certification procedures that the various devices, produced by individual companies are compliant. Producers who have passed the certification tests can use the quality mark "Wi Fi", shown alongside. More digital Wikipedia encyclopedia Italy.

How do I use the WiFi service Rome Province?

First . Subscribe to . That is, inscriptions go to provincial and WiFi create your account with WiFi Province. You will be asked to use phone number of your phone to confirm your subscription and connect to the service. You'll also be asked to create your password to access the service.

According . When you reach a ' access area, indicated by the Province of Rome WiFi logo , Connect with your laptop to the network and WiFi Province, using the phone number of your phone and your password access, broadband access and free Internet.

Where can I find the map of access points WiFi Province of Rome?

On Google Maps find the map of access points Province

WiFi access point in each there is a kind of radio transmitter that with a radius of several tens of meters , send and receives radio signals with computers.
With this radio, your computer connects to the Internet, wireless broadband.

Share your experience with others, writing Comment on this post

Like all things that start, this should be checked, refocusing on practical experience. So, if you live in Rome, I invite you to try this service and share your experience, positive or negative, with others.
For example, you can use your account with GMail to leave a comment on Google Maps or to comment on this post , step by step recounting your experiences. In your comment trying to accurately describe the facts as the location of the access point and date of your experiment.

The access point (hot spot) Auditorium

Sandro D ., A student of computer literacy courses in the Province of Rome, he wrote of his experience, made in late October 2010 , with Province WiFi access point the Auditorium of Rome.
"As regards, however, the link with Provinciawifi, this morning I went to the Auditorium and I sailed pretty well.

The speed was quite good.

But the thing that amazed me was the fact that the link does not permit entry into e-mail . I tried both with free Gmail email. It did not enter. "


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