I had Joseph Venturo as a student, last week, the course of Word Base, within the framework of digital literacy courses promoted by the Province of Rome and organizzatri by Sediin Srl. He
, Joseph, has had hundreds of students. He taught for decades legal matters in secondary schools, especially at Aprilia .
are then honored by the positive assessment, from teacher to teacher, who has expressed to me and that is reported on this blog, in the course of Word Base October 2010.
Joseph was an important presence that gave quality to the course.
use of computers, starting from far far longer and therefore needs more time to learn. But we countered with opinions, comments and also minor works of literature.
E 'to him (and also to Sergio) that Valeria L. , his colleague of course, refers qundo says
"at the beginning of the course when I saw that folks were not all the same my age I thought it would slow down the learning .... and instead "PEARLS OF WISDOM" gave me many smiles :-) "It 's always Giuseppe Vita Rosa D., another student, thanked explicitly:
" THANK YOU JOSEPH, have made us a gift: Everyone is a hidden treasure! "I think right then share with the thick ranks of readers of this blog has given us two treasures that Joseph, with permission to publish them.

The second treasure is a flash story, written by Joseph a few days ago, after the first morning of the Word Base course, once back home. Even this did not call it a provisional title and The dark forest.
Ode to the computer (Joseph Venturo, about 1990)
Co na simple keypad and no screen
der TIVU '
you solve them in a moment
problems that we have you
the pain of them if you alleys
There you have tight shoes
du barrel with them on key programs you
you understand what I'm used
modern Machiavellian
you change your life is with
alone or with an umbrella
Te transforms the lives of the people with the progress
but if he returns to the forest
quanno missing corente
The dark wood (Joseph Ventura, October 2010)
Today I went to computer class at a research center funded by the Province of Rome, to start with a basic course.The teacher thought that all students learn at least the basics of computers, but it was not so, there were two somaroni: Sandra and I did not know even turn on the computer.
After several unsuccessful attempts, angry, instead of turning it on, we'd gladly set fire!
He spent over half an hour, but then, with a flash of genius, realized that the bottom of the table on which rested the computer, there was a switch. Curious about the pigiammo e. .. miraculously lit a blue light, as well as enlighten the tip of his shoes, he made us understand that the computer was waking up.
We noticed almost immediately under the base of the screen, a round button, surrounded by a green light, which invited us to be groped.
Cedemmo to flattery, and determined, she puts her finger in the center!
As in the Harry Potter films, appeared suddenly in the middle of autumn woods that we had to own a real dark forest!
Thanks to an intervention of wine, a glass of Rosso di Montepulciano we cleared the ideas, we realized that, for the brains, the dark forest stands DESKTOP.
was only then that the trees took shape, turning into files, folders and programs. What does it matter
Joseph with Google Apps?
Good question. Even if the imagination of Joseph has nothing to do with Google Apps , he still deserves one and several articles (posts).but I like to think that the creativity Joseph's has been rekindled by the use of some Google applications such as e-mail with GMail and cloud computing with Google documents.
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