L 'experience of classroom courses tutors for OSS
In 2009, from June to October, I made the class tutor two training courses for OSS, Operator, Social and Health at Anzio and Velletri .To facilitate the study of the students I have devised a service 'digital rapid handouts', which sent as Adobe PDF files to participants within 24 hours from when the teacher handed me his presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
usually OSS courses, students are given after about five days after delivery of the presentation to the tutor-pantry, a pantry printed on paper. The student signature, and received a dispensation can study better.
Five days but can be many and too many , for example, when you are close to the occurs on that particular part of the course. Anyone who has studied seriously, even at the university, knows that five days may apply for their exam preparation, as pure gold.
Also, sometimes, teachers create long presentations : dozens of pages, text only. With the consent of the teacher and a bit 'of work, a PowerPoint presentation can become eighty pages of text PDF twenty pages, without losing a point of information and save a bit' of paper. So
was born on speedy service digital handouts for courses OSS Anzio and Velletri.
Yeah. But as I came to your mind?
Mom can I do, I am a trainer
One of my tasks is to teach people to use computer programs. I like to do training
and it satisfies me well with international standards verifiable. I am a
Ace, in a British "ace". An

I am also a Microsoft Office instructor, certified by Microsoft. Rather they are the instructor tredicimilaottocentosettanta number. In English it sounds more pompous: Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor.
How did I get Gmail
As a trainer in the field of IT (Information Technology, Information Technology) I have to pay special attention to new programs. Not everyone, however. After my share of mistakes , I learned to choose the resource that is to devote time, only the testing of applications that seem solid and valid .

After a first (short) phase of disorientation, GMail I really like . So, I recommend him to those students who do not yet have an email address. (Yes, there are still people who do not have an email address).
Using GMail in June and July 2009, to support the ongoing activities of the OSS of Velletri, in particular, to
- create distribution lists (mailing list) for the course;
- refine your mailing list, correcting errors address (which takes much more time than you might imagine);
- send 'rapid digital handouts' to the students.
How did I get Google Calendar

the OSS during the Anzio a new need emerges. The
course calendar, paper presented at the beginning students, undergoes the inevitable changes that affect every program in the table. Titian
The teacher is sick, can not do the lesson Prosimii week and should be replaced. The teacher Harry, for his part, can not meet the agreed dates for the lessons, but found a solution by making a change with another teacher of the course. Finally, for new students, who arrived as replacements in place of those that did not show, special events are set to allow them to recover the hours lost.
All these 'communications service', usually are transmitted by voice to the participants, the course director or tutor in the classroom before the beginning of the lesson. The students should understand the fly (but there is always someone who does not fly) and manually correct your copy of the calendar.
Again, the technology can be helpful.
I want to publish an updated calendar Course on the website, so that students can read and meditate . I also want to update your calendar with ease.
I have my personal calendar, Microsoft Outlook content. But Outlook not allow me to create, easy and free , calendars to be published on the Intenet .

Using Google Calendar, updating the calendar of the OSS during the Anzio. Through a simple connection, the calendar is updated on the website of the course.
Also from Google Calendar, print on the calendar updated for the current week and next . Then the two sheets hang beside the door of which was held during the OSS.
Both the service of 'digital handouts rapid' than that of the 'updated calendar online' are appreciated by the students.
If these applications work, why not teach?
Thus, over this experience as a classroom tutor for OSS, I began to study the Google Apps, as they are collectively called the proposed applications from Google. In addition to e -mail and calendar, I studied Google Docs, which include programs for word processing, spreadsheet and presentation designer. I also recalled that in 2008, I taught young people how to create Puglia a Blog with Blogger, which is yet another application from Google.
In February 2010, the Baths Ltd., a dealer in Rome's historic Mac Meadows, offered me the opportunity to give a lecture titled Recipe crisis: two friends, a Mac and Google Apps on Google applications. Of course I used Google Docs to create the presentation that I used during the conference.
End of story, and hopefully the beginning of the course.
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