(Asi Soy 2008 Machete Music)
ISSAC FELIPE DELGADO RAMIREZ was born in Havana (Cuba), Mariano barrio, 11 September 1962. His mother, Lina Ramirez, actress, singer and dancer of the Teatro Musical de La Habana , Was part of the dance troupe Las mulatas de Fuego ". His father, Luis Delgado was a tailor in Havana vieja.Fin a child, like all Cubans, breathe the creative and artistic work not only from his house, always full of musicians and actors, but also by his older brother Nelson, who takes career as a singer, musician and studied at compositore.Inizia Ciutad Libertad and then enter the age of 10 years, at the "Amadeo Roldan" to study the cello. Soon, however, is attracted to the sport of football, then in 12 years, left the Conservatory to enter Sportiva.Quando School, graduating as a professor of physics (1979) reconciles it to the music and at age 18 year he joined the musical group "Proyecto" directed by pianist / composer Gonzalo Rubacalba. He began his vocal studies with a great teacher - Mariana De Gonich, then enter the school for musicians, "Ignacio Cervantes". In 1983 he began his musical career with Pacho Alonso's Orchestra, directed by his son, Pacho Alonso, with the which he recorded his first album produced by CBS in Spain. In 1987 he was already the lead singer of the prestigious Cabaret Tropicana in Havana, also makes the second album with the group "Galaxia" in which he was joined as corista.Inizia to attend the first international tour that took him in different parts of the world and see it working with major Cuban artists. In 1988 he joined the group NG La Banda as a singer recording for ENGREM three discs. Issac Delgado in 1991 he formed a band of his own called "Issac Delgado y su Grupo" and recorded in the same year, the first work, "Dando La Hora," which, in 1992, gets the prize ENGREM 1992 as "Best album recorded at 'abroad'. The following year in 1993 recording a new album "With Ganas", which is followed by other awards: "Best album of dance music" - "Critics Award" as part of Engrem1993.Nel Prize 1994 together with the so-called public Adalberto Alvarez "El Chévere de la salsa y el Caballero del Son", in addition to making him one of the artists of international renown, Engrem received the award for "Best Disk dance music "and" Prize of popularity. "The 1996 is a very important year for Issac Delgado in what will sign an exclusive contract for the RMM, one of the major record companies in the world, signed early in 1995 from the album "El año que is", with which overlooks the market americano.Ma an album that marked his career strongly, "Otra Idea" (1996-1997) recorded in New York with the assistance of Isidro Infante. The arrangements and the New Yorkers with the fusion of Cuban rhythms to create a sound called by the same critics Americans "toque venezolano", making it renowned internazionale.L 'musical activity follows with a big international tour which leads not only to be present at several festivals in Latin America, but in North America, the Caribbean Islands, up to the Festival of Canada in Montreal. In the same year he even, as the host and documentary, the film "Yo Soy del Son a la Salsa", produced by RMM and winner at the Latin American Film Festival of La Habana.Durante the recording of the album "La Primera Noche" (1998), which took place in Madrid, decided to temporarily transfer his residence in Spain (it would appear at the express request of RMM), to promote the best Latin music of salsa on the market europeo.Nel 1999 back again to work with a great singer , Celia Cruz, (already in 1996 had performed at his side at Madison Square in New York) participating with a launch event for the carnival and the Canary Islands which will build to propose, on his return to Cuba, the same show during the tour in the countries of Latin America, Europe and Japan . At the end of the tour affects the album that will be considered as absolute as the most popular in Cuba in the last 10 years, Palri of "La Vida es un Carnaval" whose song, written by Argentinean composer Victor Daniel, will be chosen by the most famous home producer of rum - Havana Club - like the soundtrack of their representative commercial in 2001 Tv.Nel a big change, leaves the RMM label to record with Bis Music a new CD "Malecon-La Formula". Party to launch a new tour throughout the U.S. and receives well-2 Grammy for Tropical Section. "Veros en el cielo" was released in 2002, followed this time, a promotional tour in the U.S. and Canada as well as an invitation to perform in Morocco during the wedding feast of Re.Nel 2005, during the event Cubadisco 2005, presents the new album "Prohibido", defined by music critics as the album that brought Issac Delgado sauce cubana.Nel 2006 he moved to the United States, Florida, will be the first important figure in the music world, after Manuel González, to leave the island of Cuba
By the end of this month of October is provided for the release of her new CD titled "Asi Soy", nothing has transpired on this new job, but on a mail received, Issac, assures me that soon will offer a detailed description of the album. Apart from the interesting proposing the theme "Bala de Billy" that Issac wrote for me called in Cesar Pedroso Timba Cerra, surely another prominent theme of the CD will be "Tumba" a descargas, which will delight even the Bailadores. For the remaining themes are waiting for the release of the cd, but rumors had the album will be the style of the old theme played by Issac "Necesito a amiga."
Track List "Asi Soy" (Machete Music)
1. So I
2. No Vale La Pena
3. As The First Time
4. Forget Everything
5. Others
6. You Got Magic
7. It was, Adios
8. La Fiesta
9. La Bala de Billy
10. Tumbaito
1993 - 1994
1995 -
2002 - see the SKY
2003 - LA VIDA ES UN CARNAVAL (cd single)
2008 - ASI SOY
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