Monday, March 31, 2008

Look A Like Denise Milani


By DJ El Sonero

We to start with this number unmeraviglioso journey into the world of religion in Yoruba Santeria Cuba.Molti call, others to the Rule of Ocha, but beyond any name, it is a philosophical system where the most important thing is the man and the that he is able to do with the help of the Orishas (deities). Whether true or not, certainly has left an indelible mark on the socio-psychological behavior of the Cuban. Santeria is also one of the sources where it is the diverse and strong drinking culture cubana.I first African arrived in Cuba in the wake of the English part of the easement, but the intense inflow of them started since 1762, when settlers had to replace the indigenous labor force, which was unable to withstand the brutal treatment of the Spaniards. Trafficking of blacks was the only way to cope with the production of sugar, the island's main support base and wealth of the colonists. In the period between 1790-1869 were deported to Cuba over two hundred thousand schiavi.I largest ethnic group came from West Africa. There was one that emerged and was felt more strongly among all ethnic groups aficane: the Yoruba, who were those who were more religious influence in the integration of the island. The Yoruba came mainly from the territory of Nigeria, their settlements were located on the shore and the mouth of the river Niger. These blacks brutally hunted like animals, forced to leave their land and facing a terrible trip, that many times the ocean was their grave, they were forced to work up to the limit of their physical strength. Brought with them stories and legends about their gods, songs and rhythms of the drums were the starting points for the cultural education of Cuba Santeria religious practice is most widespread in Cuba, many scholars argue that the contact between African religions and the new God was born a Catholic, to which you gave it the name of the Holy and whose identity derives from the encounter between African gods and Catholic saints, so this new received Santeria.Gli English introduced the name of the Catholic religion, which, together with the monarchy, became an instrument of power and government in their colonies. The kings of Spain assigned a role of paramount importance to evangelization in the process of colonization. The blacks then began to engage in many Catholic rituals such as baptism and the Mass, but the lack of awareness of the process, had become a mass evangelization of slaves only a formalism that led them to identify the Orishas with Catholic saints, the original religious values \u200b\u200bof blacks were hidden or were transformed to conform to the faith of Europe, giving rise to transculturazione.Come all the processes of evangelization, and in this Cuba is no exception, there was the imposition of the dominant religion and the rejection of all others from less developed cultures. The ignorance of the English culture and religion for blacks, led the slaves to maintain their ancient faith, incorporating some concepts of the Catholic religion, to do so arise, "a Cuban religion." This religion was undoubtedly the foundation of formation of a new national identity characterized by racial and cultural meticcia.Durante religious holidays, blacks, organized into brotherhoods took part in the processions of white Catholics. Each fraternity had a Catholic saint as a patron, even if their members gathered, rather than for religious reasons, for cultural, ethnic and social status. All this may seem a contradiction, but that is how African religious beliefs take hold. This dialogue between the two religions has produced a new vision, cross-cultural, intertwined, and contrary to what one might believe, stronger, a vision or a European or African, only cubana.La Santeria, like all religious events, has a structure that regulates his life and the lives of believers, it includes a hierarchical priesthood, a liturgy and an order for iniziati.Le hierarchies in the priesthood of Santeria are characterized by the designation of the Orishas, \u200b\u200bexperience, knowledge, gender, ability and talent of students.


hierarchies in the priesthood of Santeria are characterized by the designation of the Orishas, \u200b\u200bexperience, knowledge, gender, ability and talent of the highest rank in praticanti.Il Santeria is the babalawo, reserved only volumes to men, who possess the attributes granted by Orula. He is the only person authorized to use the table called ATE 'IFA' and the chain functions to call ekuele indovino.La female hierarchy higher the EPATEBI (aid the babalawo), which is usually performed by the daughters of Ochún. The other hierarchical positions are: Aries (the master of ceremonies), a character who must effectively combine the wisdom, experience and deep knowledge of all the rites, and this makes it one of the most respected sacerdoti.L ' OSHOGGUN: generally they are the children of Oggun authorized religious ceremonies to sacrifice four-footed animals with the Pinaldo (knife Oggun) The Osain: It 's the person authorized to enter the forest or the mountains, to search for herbs used in ceremonies therefore must have a thorough knowledge of plants and their uses, and this makes him a key figure in Yoruba rituals. They generally are the sons of Chango.L 'AFINFIN: It' The craftsman who makes wooden sculptures and other objects used for ceremonies Craft: The OLU 'BATA': Mainly these are the sons of Change ', allowed to play sacred drums: the BATA 'These drums can be played only by men and prestige depends on the ability and talent of the individual suonatore.Il BABALACHA: It' s the santero that of religious affiliation, is the godfather of santo.La IYALOCHA : E 'the santera that of religious affiliation, is the godmother of santo.LA Divine is the foundation of Santeria, without a doubt the most attractive to those who are interested in essa.Per many believers is their point partenza.Nella of Santeria, there are various systems of divination, the most 'elementary called OBI, which provides a very special ceremony with coconuts cut in half with five responses that are called Alafia, Itagui, EYEIFE, OCANA Soddo OYECUM.Un and other system of divination is the DILOGGUN. It consists of 16 sea shells Cauris calls that can be used only by santeros. And 'dowsing a system of extraordinary complexity based on the provision taken from the shells when they fall, this provision allows 16 different, because each of them cast, it turns out a response that provides consulting to information on the immediate future, and that usually illustrates a Pattakin.I santeros endeavor also dell'EKUELE system, consisting of a chain that measures about 40 cm and contains 8 pieces with a concave side and the other convex, made with different materials: coconut shells in the Turtle, grains, metals and other materiali.Questa chain is dropped on a mat or exceptionally on an animal skin or a white cloth, this is called the Tirado and it includes more than 250 different combinations, depending on which side they fall on the pieces dell'Ekuele. divinatory These systems are the essential element of Santeria, as the most basic, the coconut, the more complicated, they are the ways that facilitate communication between believers and Orishas.Tramite ceremonies of Santeria has been confirmed in all the precepts ethical and philosophical questions that the believer has accepted for his life, and that determine the adoption of a particular behavior in practice quotidiana.Durante perform the rites, there is, in almost all the time of divination, in which the believer receive warnings and advice for its futuro.Come in the case of the Catholic priesthood in the Santeria ceremonial liturgy is strongly linked to the hierarchical order which must not be transgressed. You can not 'talk about without naming ceremonies of Santeria's EGGUN. The Eggun are the spirits of the ancestors of the deceased affiliates, sponsors and new believers are the spirits of all deaths that accompany those present at the ceremony.

ELEGGUA ' in Catholicism is compared with the Child Gesu'di Atocha and St. Anthony of Padua. His day of worship is on Sunday and 1 January. It 's the master of the streets, the four corners of the crossroads, and the protector of homes. And' one who opens or closes the roads and ports, gives and takes away your luck. Its number is 3, its colors are red (life) and black (death), representing the beginning and the end of all things. Sometimes playful, joking, joker, sometimes cheat, susceptible and crudele.Sempre glutton and greedy, fascinated by the cakes and sweets such as children and vecchi.E 'a child with the face of an old, the youngest of the Orishas. Spoiled and cranky, at the same time can save and can not make any uccidere.Nella Santeria ritual or ceremony without the consent of any Elegguà, he is the first that is offered to eat, greet, sing and dance during el tambor . ELEGGUA One wonders if 'is an Orisha, or the devil. But it is neither saint nor cursed, and in truth is bound to ECHU ', which is the negative, evil that threatens mankind. In the couple's ELEGGA' ECHU-'we find the union of negative-positivo.La his necklace of red beads alternating black and three in three, and his clothing consists of shorts, wrapped in a jacket and breeches, both in red and black. Uses a branch as an attribute of guava wood, a bag, a bag, a backpack and a goatskin hat yarey (type of palm). He likes toys such as whistles, balls, kites and trottole.ELEGGUA 'takes possession of the initiated and when it happens, his foundation is a stone that will have started the search for a ceremony. The stone is complemented by a set of shells with which the new Canter started predict or guess the futuro.ELEGGUA 'can also be received as part of Trinity los Guerreros, in which case it will be a stone with other materials inside which lies the magical charge. This ELEGGUA 'takes on the appearance of a human face and is placed within a pan terracotta.Appartengono ELEGGUA to' a good number of plants: nasturtium, pata de gallina, guava, mastic, Guira cimarron, also belong to mention alcune.Gli some species of animals, those who love to eat: Jutía, goat, rooster and ratti.ELEGGUA 'roads is 21 or "avatars".

Change ' is syncretized with Santa Barbara Catholics, and his feast is celebrated on 4 Dicembre.CHANGO 'is perhaps the most popular of the Orishas, \u200b\u200bthe master of fire, thunder, lightning, the drums of war. And' the fortune-teller par excellence because he was the master original table that he gave Orula, if not before to keep his indecipherable misteri.Re of Kings, Change 'is a beautiful black, male, incorrigible womanizer, partying, great dancer and an excellent drummer, a good warrior and a faithful friend. But if there are many virtues, its faults are many: bully, liar, bully, arrogant, cruel, if provoked, very impulsive, quick-tempered, so it is appeased difficile.Teme much death and, just to avoid it, do anything. It 's the father of IBEYIS.Ballando and fighting has traveled all over the world, this is the Orishas with the way most' long and complessa.Le wins his battles with the ax and the double-edged sword: the weapons who are his simboli.Il his throne and royal palm (the national tree of Cuba) where he lives. It 's his favorite tree from those that belong to all have a striking beauty, such as poplar, which is a garment, the Flamboyan, the cedar and the legendary ceiba.E' a good father, though his punishment can be unforgiving when it disobeys. He falls in love continually and has many lovers; believes only in love for granted, can not stand the compassione.CHANGO 'takes possession of the initiative uses a red and white necklace, alternating with beads where the red symbolizes the blood, war, passion and love, the white door because the son of Obatala. 'Her dress is short pants with tips, dress vest, a red crown, leads to a drawstring waist with six strings. His Otanes are six and put in a wooden container very often painted in red and white that fits on a washboard. Port of bull horns, a double-edged ax and other weapons guerriero.I her favorite animals are: goat, red rooster, turtle gicotea, horse and partridge. It is called maraca with a red and white. Her favorite plants are: Royal palm, poplar, cedar, sugar cane, mahagoni, plantains, Flamboyan, avocado, camphor, Baria, bay leaves, and heaven.

Obatala ' is the Madonna de las Mercedes of Catholics, and his feast day is September 24, his case is more' complicated because it has 24 Orisha roads and is sometimes represented as a female, as well as male, though usually syncretized with the Madonna de las Mercedes, the other paths or "avatars" (destiny) is associated with several Catholic saints; For example: when you Ochanlà syncretized with las Mercedes and Ann, when it becomes Ayaguna Christ at the age of 33 years. Obatala 'is the master of health and heads of men dressed in white is the symbol of purity and its main features, is right, what makes him one of the Orishas more' respected. He lives on the mountain top and was the envoy of Holofernes on earth peace to govern, respect, harmony, truth, therefore governs the thoughts, ideas and dreams of all people, is the creator of the world, birth, and the principle of all intelligence. In Santeria's pay homage to his importance for this during the first year, new santeros wear white even if they are his children. The white dress is the indissoluble element for all babalochas and iyalochas useful for purifying and combat all things negative.Chiaramente its color is white, hence its second road series in which he represents. His white metals such as silver. The first path of Obatala 'is Odua, which in Nigeria means the beginning and the end of the earth and sky. Obatala 'is the sky, the Odua terra.Gli Otanes of Obatala' are four, are placed in a white bowl, placed as' high as possible, with white metal representations of the sun, moon, the serpent scepter (poaye), a crown of 16 parrot feathers, cocoa butter, all covered with cotton because the stone where he lives Obatala 'can not endure the inclemency of the sun, air, or the serene. Obatala wears a bell-shaped and elongated silver metal called "agogo" which is played to get his attenzione.OBATALA 'is one to which belong most of the Orishas' plants, some of them are: acacia, white aguinaldo, basil, cotton , rice, mugwort, saffron, lily, beets, bell, onion, coconut, clover and purple. The preferred animals include: goats, chicken and white dove.

OGGUN you syncretized with St. Peter's Roman Catholics.
It 's the master of metal, forges, mountains, keys, chains, lightning rods. It 's a blacksmith and a skilled farmer.
E 'violent, lonely, brave, smart, drunk, suspicious and very unhappy. His life is a struggle, especially against his brother Chang '.
lives in the forest and know it in depth.
always accompanies ELEGGUA ', are virtually inseparable and they make all sorts of misdeeds.
OGGUN takes possession of the initiate. When this happens, his fund does not material has the same form when you receive as part of the Guerreros. In the second case is a small OTA 'with miniature reproductions of the work tools such as shovel, spade, pick, hoe, rake, knife, hammer, anvil, machetes, and others.
But in the first case, when OGGUN fund, its container and iron home will be where we introduce the greatest tools and other tools, its OTA 'is completed with a set of shells.
OGGUN is the patron of blacksmiths, railway workers, mechanics, engineers, miners and soldiers.
Its number is 3. Its colors are green, purple and black. She dresses in purple and his life hanging leaves mariwò (guano), uses a leather bag decorated with shells, beads of her necklace has alternating black and green.
Her favorite animals are: rooster, dog, dove, goat and goat.
Some of her favorite plants are: anamu, flicker of horse, Ginger, Jagüey, tribble yellow and black locust.

Orula To Catholicism is San Francis of Assisi and his feast is celebrated on 4 October. 'the seer, master of the table of Ifa that reveals the future to men, and this allows them to have hands the reins of their destiny and change in their favor in case of difficulty. He also shows the way for non Orishas.Orula takes hold of his children, it only receives. Its attributes are: Ate the IFA, the ekuele, the Ikines, the 'Irofa, el'Iruke. Ate The board of IFA or IFA do a piece of wood shaped plate, with or without decorations, where to find the four cardinal points which are the Ikines the nut palm or de kola.Orula received by Chang Ate the IFA and secrets divination that allow him to be the mediator between men and Orishas.I his children or priests of Ifa, which are santeros or not, men must be well-defined sexual santeros if they should leave the worship dell'Orishas them and devote himself to be crowned only the priests of Orula, ie to become Babalawo.Per see the ATE or table, the babalawos Irofa use the (antler), the Iruka (ponytail), and dust called the ekuele Yefà, which is obtained from elephant tusks, or dall'igname Ground (herbaceous plant). This is used by babalawo in the fourth and most complete system of divination Santeria, that it is not everyday like the other three, because you use only when Orula down to talk with those who go to consultarlo.I its colors are green and yellow, so her necklace and her Edde (sacred bracelet ) beads are alternated with these same colori.Orula can receive without being santero; Ifa even offers an option for those who are not intended to be babalawo.Per women, the highest level reached on the ceremonies of IFA and the ICO -FA, and for men the ABO-FACA. The latter commonly called Orula de coger hand (take hand Orula) at IFA is to deliver a small bowl or sugar with Secret Orula, Idde her and her collana.Ad it can participate simultaneously several iniziati.Come all Orishas, \u200b\u200bOrula has its favorite plants are: wild olive, purple Aguinaldo, panic, altea, Arabic, astronomy, baston de San Francisco and liana de fideo. Her favorite animals include: goats, chicken and black dove

Osain : You syncretized with San Silvestro and San Antonio Abate, his party is December 31.
has only the right foot, his left arm is missing one eye, two ears, one is immeasurably great and it does not feel anything The other is disproportionately small, and this can even hear the slightest noise has a large head, a crooked mouth and nasal speech; pop up walking about a foot, or hunched.
character has a smart, sensitive, touchy, so you must treat it with sensitivity and respect to not make him angry.
He is the herbalist, botanist, doctor, magician, without which the Rule of Ocha there would be no saints, no spells, no medicine, said that with his powers is able to ward off death.
It 's the owner of the trees, flowers, herbs, shrubs, vines, and of everything that grows in the forest; why you can not take anything from it without his permission or without permission thank him for granted.
Divide the secrets of the forest and Ocho CHANGE. At first he offered them to him in exchange for permission to hunt, the second gave them to him and thank him for the god of fire, in turn, allowed him to share the drums.
He and Chang are good friends, sometimes live together, sharing food, but only the ultimate expression of the contradiction.
Single, Osain refused the marriage has no wife and does not want it, while the god of thunder, Chang is an unrepentant womanizer: he has a wife, mistress and lover. Smoker, Osain comes out at night to ask the fire to night owls. It 's the boss perhaps because of all the colors are more intense than in the forest and mountains. Women can not receive
Osain, is too strong and could remain sterile. Only when they are old and no longer have your period can a god in its entirety, but he lives outside the house. Osain The lives of men on the roof. Osain is in the forest, so you can not take possession of man, since, like the ocean or the world, the forest can not get into anyone's head.

Babalu 'AYE' It syncretized with St. Lazarus and his feast day is December 17. Orisha of disease, especially venereal and skin.
Babalu? AYE door on crutches, two dogs who are his eternal companions, a bag where he puts alms, the rattle with which announces its arrival, a brush and palm oil.
E 'miraculous, justice, stern, revengeful, relentless with those who do not follow his advice or not keeping its promises.
walks hunched, he stiffened his arms and legs with his body covered with sores.
travels the world preaching the mercy, compassion, bringing aid to the sick and caring for them with his remedies. This Orisha
normally receives, but it can take possession of the head through Yemaya '. Orisha
This can not be a joke, does not allow it as others do. His messengers are the flies and mosquitoes.
His home and temple consists of two earthenware pots similar to that of ELLEGUA ', serves as a cover to another. His clothes
of jute can be embellished with pieces of cloth that purple is her color. Her necklace of pearls are usually white striped with blue or black, or black pearls, depending on his way.
Her favorite animals are: goat, dove, chicken, black chicken and dog.
Some of her favorite plants are: sesame, peanut, all types of beans, maize, millet, rosemary, wild bamboo, cattail, tree of sebum.

Ochos for Catholics and St. Nobert.
Ocho is an excellent hunter and also enjoys fishing and is a brave warrior, cunning and agile.
And 'God of the prison, where he lives, and the patron of prisoners, fugitives and those who have accounts to settle with the Justice. The Ocho is
necklace of beads of amber, coral and Prussian blue color with four pieces of shells and deer antlers.
Its color is purple or light purple that is melancholy.
His clothes can be a woven or deer skin, but its design resembles the clothes ELEGGUA 'and OGGUN, with different colors.
The jacket and pants are usually purple, wearing a cap, a leather bag, bow and arrows that identify him as inseparable hunter.
Ochos takes possession of the initiate.
Ocho, when staff is not a saint, lives with OGGUN in the same receptacle, since the shape of a bow with the arrow, but when it appears alone basis with many attributes.
Her favorite animals are: dove, goat, deer, chicken, fish.
Her favorite plants are: basil, vine, caguazo, incense.

Ochún is syncretized with Our Lady of Charity, Cuba's patron saint and his feast day is September 12, although in last few decades the faithful pay homage to the 8 of the mese.Ochùn is the mistress of rivers, creeks and streams. And 'happy, owl, cuddly, mincing, attractive, proud, arrogant, is the image of Cuban mulatta, wife and lover of Orula Chango. He also has a friend and accomplice in Elegguà that is always available to protect. ' also owner of gold, bronze and money is the goddess of love and pleasure, the protector of pregnant women. Its number is 5, because it uses five gold bracelets that is played with grace by announcing its presence to all. He loves the fans, always ride with a melodious laugh, provocative and sensuale.Ochùn represents the sweetness, the property of honey and cinnamon, which used to fascinate and conquer and subdue the man. "It 's easier than you tired of the fire wood and the sea water Ochún of men, "says a top Yoruba.Ama much his children, protects them and helps, but be careful to disobey, honey can be transformed into fiele.Quando angry is terrible and merciless, and it costs a lot to get his forgiveness, if ever concede.Una his punishment can lead to death while the goddess laughs, so it is said that Ochún ridendo.Il kills her dress is yellow with a belt decorated with gold, wears the crown, her necklace is generally yellow and amber beads, according to his own way may have entered the green beads, red and coral. seizes the head of the initiate. Its bowl is white and yellow and his five Otanes you put in a bowl with water from the river, inside there are also two rowing gold or gilded. It is the queen on her bowl so you place a golden crown from which hang five gold pendants or copper with 5 sharp points. She loves sunflowers, her favorite animals are: peacock, chicken, turtle and goats gicotea castrati.Le her favorite plants are: anise, pumpkin, cinnamon, sunflower seeds, pomegranate, you mauve, orange, parsley and pomaria

Yemaya ' is identified with the Virgin de Regla, the patron saint of Havana Bay and the town that bears his name. His feast day is 7 to settembre.YEMAYA 'is the goddess of the sea, stands out for its majestic appearance of queen, fair as the sea that is appartiene.Vi Yemaya one 'seven streets or ovatares. Is said to have given birth to all the other Orishas. It 's the protector of sailors and, above all, a real madre.YEMAYA' is arrogant, vain, arrogant, frightening, smart, proud and wise. It 's a black high penetrating gaze, enthusiastic, loving and cheerful. Mistress of lead and silver. Its number is 7. Its colors are blue and white. Wears a skirt with seven layers with his favorite colors, her dance recalls the wave of mare.La her necklace is beaded blue, white or agua (transparent or opaque glass) is called the white and blue with a maraca . Yemaya takes hold, except when his way is OLUKUN (The ocean), because as he says Lydia Cabrera: neither in the head can not get a sea that has rive.OLOKUN you receive. His Otanes are seven and sistemanoIn a large bowl, generally white and blue, containing water. This is complemented with representative elements of sea life such as the anchor, oars, life jacket, keys, sun, sand and seven silver bracelets or metal bianco.YEMAYA 'prefers the sugar-cane molasses and honey bee. Her animals: rabbit, snake, duck, rooster, cockroaches and caprone.Le her favorite plants are: watercress, Swiss chard, marjoram, coriander, verbena, malanga, basil, cologne, mariposa, grass, blackberry, watermelon, lettuce, sweet red pepper, fresh, Portucale and others.

AGGAYU THEMSELVES ' Cristofaro is syncretized with the city's patron Saint of Havana. His feast is celebrated on 16 Novembre.AGGAYU 'is the sphere of the world. It 's a giant, father of Change' for the majority, for others it is the brother belong to the comets, the desert and rivers. Represents the power and forza.Ha a bad character: impulsive, belligerent, easily goes into a rage, of strong character, respected by all; her house can remain open because no one dares entrare.I his clubs are the Royal Palm and ceiba.Si receives on his shoulders and is the protector of the drivers and scaricatori.Il her dress consists of trousers and a red jacket and white, very similar to the dress of her son SHANGHAI. 'His OTA looks like a mountain, and if port 9 is the foundation attrezzi.I her favorite animals are castrated goat, chicken, pigeon and chicken: The plants that prefer are: amaranth , miraguano, Mammee, mamoncillo.

LOS IBAYIS Orishas twins Female and male, who syncretized with St. Cosmas and St. Damiano.Figli of change ', are an expression of joy and innocence of children. The majority said that their mother is Achun, others who are children of OYA ', although they were reared by Yemaya'. Unconditional ally of the father who spoils them sempre.Gli IBEYIS are mischievous, playful, love music, so everyone brings always a tambourine with whom they have defeated the diavolo.Là where he plays a drum found them. They love fruits and sweets. They dress in red and white, live on the palms, such as padre.Rappresentano and protect children, and very often, as they are more powerful than adulti.Ognuno has four children ote, the female ones are round, elongated ones of the male and put them in two urns: blue and white for the female, white and pink for maschio.I their favorite animals are the dove and the pollo.Le their plants are hicaco , Achras sapota, tomato, jaggery.

Dear friends, we have now reached the end of this wonderful journey of Cuban culture, I hope to be transmitted easily through why you have these little signs on the culture of Santeria. I thank all those who have written me. I hope in the near future to continue this journey into the world of Santeria talking about the socio / cultural and political investing the Cuban population. Reviews of the El Sonero Dj you can read on the site


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